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Image by Brooke Cagle


Empowering and uplifting the next generation of leaders (Gen Alpha through Millennial) with resources and mentorship that aids in both professional and personal growth. 


In the grand tapestry of human progress, each generation weaves a unique thread that contributes
to what we have today.

As we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, it is our responsibility to uplift, equip, and empower future generations. This act of "paying it forward" is not just a noble gesture, but a fundamental duty that shapes our collective future. To nurture tomorrow's leaders, we must focus on several core pillars, such as passing on wisdom, cultivating a legacy of service, fostering innovation and adaptability, promoting diversity and inclusion, and sustaining hope and purpose. Leadership is not just about titles or occupying corner offices, but about service and creating a positive impact on others.

Those in positions of leadership, whether in the private or public sector, have a unique perspective from which to impart valuable insights, experiences, and life lessons to those who will succeed in them.

Experience can be a great teacher, but only when shared with others. Nurturing tomorrow's leaders requires equipping them with the tools to thrive in a dynamic landscape. The world is evolving at a rapid pace, and it is essential to prepare future leaders to face the challenges of the future. By devoting time, energy, and resources to nurturing the next generation, we sow the seeds of positive change that will ripple outward, and multiply as young minds absorb knowledge, develop character, and become catalysts for positive change.


Leaders of Tomorrow, Hosted by Cassie Tucker

LCF Youth Podcast.png


A message from the Founder Chief Randy R. Bruegman (Ret.):

“As someone who has dedicated their career to leadership and public service, I am concerned about the current state of leadership in our society. Far too often, people in positions of power fail to live up to the standards that we expect from them. They lack integrity, vision, and the courage to do what is right. As I have researched and written about leadership over the years, I have become increasingly frustrated with this lack of ethical leadership. That is why I founded the Leadership Crucible Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and developing ethical leadership in all areas of society. Our objective is simple: to help develop the next generation of leaders who will be guided by a strong sense of ethics and a commitment to public service.


We believe that leadership is not just about titles or positions of power, but about the values that guide us and the example we set for others. The reality is, that to be a good leader, partner, parent, friend, or co-coworker, you have to lead yourself first. The foundation is driven by a mission, vision, and value proposition that is focused on empowering individuals to build those core character traits that lay the foundation for them to achieve their personal and professional goals. We believe that leadership is a skill that can be developed and nurtured throughout one’s life and that everyone has the potential to make a positive impact in their respective fields and their life.”


"When we began the development of The Leadership Crucible Podcast, we initially did so as an LLC. But as we forged our vision for what The Leadership Crucible was to become, it became evident that we needed to do that as a 501(c) 3 non-profit foundation. Our objective has never been, nor will be, to make money from this venture. It is to meet the two core tenets of our foundation: Pay it forward and leave it better than we found it. On December 8, 2022, the foundation received its determination letter from the IRS with an effective date of August 16th, 2022. The foundation’s EIN is 88-3767152.


Our Mission

To inspire and equip individuals to become leaders who make a difference in the lives of others through discovery, the sharing of experience, and education.


Our Vision

Our vision is to inspire personal and professional growth that empowers individuals and organizations to make a positive impact on the world. We believe in striving towards leaving a better world than we found, and in paying it forward to future generations.


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